A Scientific Breakthrough in Measuring & Boosting Adaptability & Agility

In a rapidly changing world, the strongest predictor of success is the ability to respond to change. This is why we invented the concept of AQ (Adaptability Quotient)™ and created the world’s first scientifically validated measure of AQ in individuals and teams.
Adaptability University is where we help individuals and organizations reach their fullest potential by focusing on boosting their adaptability.
The Adaptive Transformation Journey
by Adaptability University
Address the Knowledge Gap
The pace of technological change is accelerating. But most executives and their teams are not fully aware of exponential technological shifts and their economic, business model, and management implications. This part of the journey is about upskilling the team with three key frameworks: Exonomics™, Exponential Business Models™, and Exponential Teams™ & Adaptive Leadership.
Address the Adaptability Gap
In a rapidly changing world, the strongest predictor of success is the ability to respond to change. This is why we invented the concept of AQ (Adaptability Quotient) and created the world’s first scientifically validated measure of AQ in individuals and teams. Our AQ Boost™ program is designed to help increase individual and organizational adaptability with scientifically proven interventions.
Address the Execution Gap
Research shows that 78% of leaders believe their teams do not innovate effectively, while 92% of employees believe their organization will not survive technological disruption. Modern organizations are grappling with an execution gap that needs systematic attention. This part of the journey is designed to help with enabling rapid, adaptive, coordinated execution and iteration.

Our Science
AQ Assessment™ & AQ Boost™ are based on 7 years of research into individual and organizational adaptability.
In a world of accelerating change, the ability to respond to change has emerged as the strongest predictor of success. At Adaptability University, we define adaptability as the ability to realize optimal outcomes based on recent or future change. We have built the world's first scientifically validated assessment of adaptability, utilizing an array of tools from the fields of industrial & organizational psychology, behavioral economics, decision science and psychometrics. The resulting Adaptability Quotient (AQ) Assessment embodies seven years of research into adaptive behavior in individuals, teams, and organizations.
We have conducted large-scale studies in collaboration with a number of academic partners to determine how AQ correlates with real-world outcomes and performance. We are proud to report that this line of research has demonstrated that AQ significantly relates to job satisfaction, job performance, and even life satisfaction. Furthermore, individuals with high AQ are more likely to go above and beyond their basic job requirements, experience less burnout, and engage in less counterproductive work behaviors. They are more likely to view a stressor as a challenge instead of a threat, and are more likely to report a positive state of well-being.

Select Clients

Discover adaptive strengths and improvement opportunities for individuals and teams
Boost individual and team adaptability to ensure your organization’s future-readiness
Improve decision making and creative problem solving across the organization
Mobilize diverse high-AQ teams within your organization to tackle self-disruption and radical innovation
Leverage the disruptive genius of a growing network of high-AQ innovators outside your organization

At Adaptability University we help individuals & organizations quantify & improve their adaptability.
AQ was created and developed at T Labs
T Labs is a Silicon Valley based venture studio focused on moonshot innovation. Our goal is to apply the power of exponentially growing technologies like artificial intelligence and biotechnology to solve major problems for humanity.
In addition to pursuing our own diverse innovation agenda, we are passionate about education. T Labs is home to Adaptability University, where our founders and research team focus on novel frameworks that help guide organizations and their leaders to achieve exponentially more.